When most people think of heart-healthy exercises, they picture running or biking. But did you know that isometric exercises—which involve holding a muscle contraction without movement—can also have a powerful impact on cardiovascular wellness? In this post, we’ll break down what isometric exercises are and how they support your heart.

What Are Isometric Exercises?

Isometric exercises involve contracting muscles without lengthening or shortening them. Think of squeezing a stress ball or holding a plank. Unlike traditional workouts that require movement, isometric exercises focus on static holds, which can strengthen your muscles and promote cardiovascular health.

The Science Behind Isometric Exercises for Heart Health

Studies have shown that isometric handgrip exercises can help improve vascular flexibility and support healthy circulation. The sustained muscle contraction signals your body to release nitric oxide—a molecule that helps blood vessels relax and improves blood flow.

Examples of Isometric Exercises

  1. Handgrip Holds: Squeeze and hold a grip device (like the Zona Plus) for a set duration.

  2. Wall Sit: Lower yourself into a seated position against a wall and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  3. Plank Hold: Maintain a plank position while engaging your core for up to 1 minute.

Why Isometric Handgrip Exercises Stand Out

Isometric handgrip exercises are particularly effective for cardiovascular health because they engage muscles in the arms and upper body, stimulating blood flow without joint strain. The Zona Plus takes this one step further by providing personalized biofeedback, making every session tailored to your body’s unique needs.


Isometric exercises are a time-efficient and accessible way to support your cardiovascular wellness. By incorporating just a few minutes of isometric handgrip exercises into your daily routine, you can improve your circulation and build long-term heart health. Whether you're a beginner or looking for a low-impact addition to your fitness routine, isometric exercises are a valuable tool for maintaining a strong heart.